Thursday, February 10, 2005

The long winter closes

The days are still cold but sunnier.

It's been a very busy few months.

Nick turned 30 and bought a house. I'm still a few weeks shy. And I will not be buying a house.

I spent New Year's in Austin, Texas with Dawn. It was 80 degrees and beautiful.

We just made our first real music video. You'll see it soon. Once it's out I'll tell more, but it was a blessed project.

I know I've been silent of late but the old nerve they call "trigeminal" laid me up for awhile on lots of meds and ER visits. I'm fine though. A lot better than the last bout two and a half years ago. And in good news, I'm getting an MRI. I get to see my brain even better now.

Thus is the curse of my psychic powers!


Bondwalker said...

I know what you mean... My mutant wolverinesque powers get me sick every winter... But alas! We shall suffer with dignity!... Anyway, I'm glad you're better (yes, I have no clue of who you are but it sucks going to the doctor) Cheers! :)

10:41 PM  

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